Sending out-of-town floral orders is probably the most profitable aspect of the retail florist industry. Just ask any order-gatherer! The sending florist receives their commission, plus their "Service Charge" (usually between $5.00 and $15.00), all for only a few minutes work. No inventory is required. No skilled labor is required.
See which receiving florists in the delivery area are offering the best deals - both on commissions and prices. Just like shopping on Amazon.com or Ebay.com!
Use various search parameters to find florists that meet your exact requirements.
Send to over 16,000 cities, towns and communities throughout the U.S.
Send messages to one florist or a group of florists to inquire about your special requests.
Save "Favorites" to be used for subsequent orders.
Describe floral product yourself or select product directly from their website, if available.
You decide if order should be forwarded or not if florist is unable to fill order.
Use a credit card that issues cash rebates or points (many florists pay for vacations with Frequent Flier points).
For a minimal fixed amount each month (or year if you choose to pay annually), you can send as many or as few orders as you want!
Receiving out-of-town floral orders is a great way to profitably utilize excess capacity. A few additional orders a day do not require more production space, staff or delivery capabilities so they can add a lot of dollars to the bottom line quickly.
You receive credit / debit card information to pay for order so you get IMMEDIATE cash TODAY! No 7 day, 14 day, 30 day waiting periods!
You set the commission percentage you wish to give the sending florist (from 0% to 40%). Perhaps lower for holidays. Perhaps higher for slower periods.
You set the pricing for your products. Perhaps higher for holidays. Perhaps lower for slower periods.
You set your delivery area. Perhaps smaller for holidays. Perhaps greater for slower periods.
You set the delivery cut-off time or prohibit further orders for the day entirely.
Include scrolling text on your ad to alert sending florists to your specials of the day.
Receive orders either by fax, email notification, telephone notification or text message notification.